Ore.e Ref. (Eero Yli-Vakkuri)

Q: Why do you have a Brutalist Website?
A: I wanted an ever-green, low-maintenance site, which does not demand a lot of internet bandwidth to load because I want to save energy.
Q: Who designed the website?
A: I made the site in 2006. The design has stayed the same because I used it also as an .html archive of the Ore.e Ref. organisation. https://web.archive.org/web/20110315000000*/www.oree.storijapan.net
Q: Who coded the website?
A: It's only HTML. No code. The site is optimised to render on a Symbian 60 web-browser. It loads in 5 second on a Windows CE .net v.4.2 (125016kb ram). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQzeZmhqE9k
Q: With what kind of editor?
A: I use SeaMonkey.
